Most of what we do at Fledge is invisible. You can catch glimpses of the business planning and financial modeling at Demo Day, but the only visible changes we make are in the (re)branding.

We re-branded Chabana Farms as Kalahari Honey, to make their newfound focus on honey explicit.

God Cares Farm is now Oreeggs. Now their focus is clear too, and their name distinct.

We found a name for our Kenyan hydropower company. Bieera in the Kisii language means “waterfalls.”

Chicken Basket just needed a capital “C”, a comb do-over, and a bit of polish on the existing logo.

Fucshia Shoes and Briotech survived the branding frenzy unchanged.
Rebranding is something that happens a lot at Fledge. The video above shows some of the highlights.