Vancouver is one of the best places in the world to start and grow an impact business. And unlike all previous Fledge programs, the IMPACT StartUp Visa Program (a.k.a. Fledge12) has seven new fledglings who are not just impactful startups, but startups who are expanding and moving to Canada.
Moving from UK, France, Switzerland, and Brazil, thanks to a partnership with the Canadian StartUp Visa Program, which grants Canadian residency to qualified startups eager and interested at relocating to Canada.
Idiagram creates interactive systems maps of complex sustainability issues. Ideateem connects home improvement, events and business professionals with customers. Lolaguide connects tourists, tour guides and travel agencies. FuelActive delivers clean diesel fuel for transportation companies. Pineapple is an online wedding stationery printing company focused on using innovative and sustainable methods of printing and distribution. Sport On Campus creates access to sports scholarships at colleges and universities for students in need of financial assistance. Schoccolatta produces premium raw, vegan chocolates that are gluten free and nut free.